WHO: The Sky-Snakes (templeguardian) and anyone who wishes to react to them WHAT: The Sky-Snakes have filled the Rivelatian Skies WHERE: Rivelata Skies WHEN: Day 161-167 (Thurs. Sep 4 - Wedns. Sep 10) -- all day, for one week
WHO: Zikhadhara (godking), his servants (templeguardian and rivelatademon), and their prisoner Lady Subaru (crimson_knight1) WHAT: A Very Important Conversation WHERE: Jungle Temple WHEN: Day 142 (back-logged by 16 days)
WHO: Nagi, Zero, Alphonse, Hakkai, Agrias, Homura, and Max WHAT: A nice little vacation to Zikkie's temple WHERE: The jungle and the temple WHEN: Day 127, morning - late afternoon